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Arnaud Leclercq - The Role of Women to Preserve and Transmit Wealth (DBWC, DCCI)

The Role of Women to Preserve and Transmit Wealth

Emirati female investors play an important role in preserving their individual wealth as well as their family's, on account of their natural conserving instints, their sense...

Dubai Business Women Council, UAE
Arnaud Leclercq - The changing world economic order

The changing world economic order

Presenter Laura Buckwell of City 7 speaks with Arnaud Leclercq about the changing world economic order.

City 7, UAE
Arnaud Leclercq - The Future of the World Financial Architecture and of the World Main Currencies in Assuring of Economic Growth

The Future of the World Financial Architecture

The European Banking & Financial Forum was held from 23 to 25 March 2010 in Prague, on the theme of "The Future of the World Financial Architecture and of the World Main Currencies in Assuring of Economic Growth".

European Banking & Financial Forum, Czech Republic
Arnaud Leclercq - Swiss banks aren’t only about confidentiality (E15)

Swiss banks aren’t only about confidentiality

Switzerland has reached an impasse with Germany which bought stolen information about German accounts in Swiss banks for 2.5 million EUR.

E15, Czech Republic
Arnaud Leclercq - How different will the world come out of the current financial crisis (Conference EBF Forum)

How different will the world come out of the current financial crisis?

The European Banking & Financial Forum was held from 24 to 26 March 2009 in Prague. This year was notably invited Mrs Christine Lagarde, Minister of Finance, French Republic, and Mr. Victor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine.

European Banking & Financial Forum, Czech Republic
Arnaud Leclercq - In uncertain times, the swiss financial centre has solid advantages (Business MIR)

In uncertain times, the swiss financial centre has solid advantages

Arnaud Leclercq, a partner of the group holding Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch & Cie in charge of the Eastern Countries, explains the Impact of the financial crisis...

Business Mir, Switzerland


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Кто такой Арно Леклерк?

Arnaud Leclercq

Арно Леклерк является банкиром с атипичным прошлым, доктором наук в области геополитики и профессором в HEC в Париже. МВА от КОК и выпускник Гарварда, он является признанным руководителем в мире управления богатством, особенно с развивающимися рынками. Его книга «La Russie puissance d’Eurasie. Histoire géopolitique des origines à Poutine», опубликованная во Франции (2013) и России (2015), в настоящее время является справочным материалом. Его аналитические материалы регулярно распространяются в средствах массовой информации.