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Arnaud Leclercq -

Onshoring wealth management in the Gulf

The FSC is the leading event of its kind in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. World class business and banking leaders and a row of strategic sector ministers were not only present but actively participated in the sessions. Arnaud Leclercq participated in a discussion on the critically important topic of onshoring wealth management in the Gulf.

Financial Sector Conference (FSC), Saudi Arabia
Arnaud Leclercq - Conference - Financial Sector Conference (FSC) 2023

Financial Sector Conference (FSC) 2023

Financial Sector Conference (FSC) 2023 is THE second to none major event of its kind in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Financial Sector Conference (FSC), Saudi Arabia
Arnaud Leclercq - 2022 IsDB Group Annual Meetings: Beyond Recovery: Resilience and Sustainability

2022 IsDB Group Annual Meetings: Beyond Recovery: Resilience and Sustainability

As a multilateral international development bank, IsDB does a impressive work supporting infrastructure projects benefiting sustainability and&nbsp

IsDB Group
Arnaud Leclercq - Les transformations profondes de la scène internationale, qui se dessinent et qui s’accélèrent (Conférence - Institut de Locarne)

Les transformations profondes de la scène internationale, qui se dessinent et qui s’accélèrent

Chers Amis, Vendredi 14 Décembre prochain, nous aurons la possibilité d’échanger avec Arnaud Leclercq (Roscovite !) sur les transformations profond

Institut de Locarn, France
Arnaud Leclercq - The global economy in the era of change: the prospects of Big Eurasia (Astana Economic Forum)

The global economy in the era of change: the prospects of Big Eurasia

The X Astana Economic Forum took place on June 15–16, 2017. The main topic of the meeting is New Energy - New Economy. During the Forum issues of sustainable economic growth, international trade and innovation will be discussed.

Astana Economic Forum, Kazakhstan
Arnaud Leclercq - Conférence à l'Institut de Locarn sur La Russie ré-émergente et l'Eurasie quelles possibilités économiques pour la Bretagne ?

La Russie ré-émergente et l'Eurasie quelles possibilités économiques pour la Bretagne?

Chers amis, je suis heureux de vous faire part de la conférence-débat que l’on m’a invité à animer sur le sujet de...

Institut de Locarn, France
Arnaud Leclercq - Russia's Eurasian horizons (PIR-Center)

Перспективы экономики России

Место и роль России в мире XXI века остается предметом дискуссий среди политологов, экономистов, социологов и историков. К чему должно стремиться российское государство - стать региональной или глобальной державой ...

Международный Клуб Триалог, Москва
Arnaud Leclercq - Private banking Middle East and Worldwide (Conference)

Private banking Middle East and Worldwide

Private Banking Conference: Middle East brings together private banks, family offices, independent wealth managers and intermediaries to share best practice...

Private Banking & Wealth Management, UAE
Arnaud Leclercq - The Business Year

The Business Year

Arnaud Leclercq speaker at the Shorex Wealth management Forum in Geneva on 19-20 Oktober, 2010.

Shorex Wealth management Forum, Switzerland
Arnaud Leclercq - The Role of Women to Preserve and Transmit Wealth (DBWC, DCCI)

The Role of Women to Preserve and Transmit Wealth

Emirati female investors play an important role in preserving their individual wealth as well as their family's, on account of their natural conserving instints, their sense...

Dubai Business Women Council, UAE


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Кто такой Арно Леклерк?

Arnaud Leclercq

Арно Леклерк является банкиром с атипичным прошлым, доктором наук в области геополитики и профессором в HEC в Париже. МВА от КОК и выпускник Гарварда, он является признанным руководителем в мире управления богатством, особенно с развивающимися рынками. Его книга «La Russie puissance d’Eurasie. Histoire géopolitique des origines à Poutine», опубликованная во Франции (2013) и России (2015), в настоящее время является справочным материалом. Его аналитические материалы регулярно распространяются в средствах массовой информации.