Russia’s geopolitical role: Powerful partnerships may be the key to stability and prosperity
Geopolitical issues are now dominating the strategic thinking of the world’s great powers.
Affichage 71 - 80 sur 112
Les éléments marqués d'un sont de nature strictement personnelle.
Geopolitical issues are now dominating the strategic thinking of the world’s great powers.
Greece IS going, it's just a matter of time, says Arnaud Leclercq, Partner at Lombard Odier Capital Partners and Head of the New Markets.
Switzerland's Lombard Odier has bulked up its direct presence in the Gulf market at a remarkable rate over the last 12 months.
Le pays est au center des enjeux du XXIème siècle et de la "nouvelle Route de la soie" entre l'Orient et l'Occident.
For seven generations, Lombard Odier & Cie has run its private banking operation with a distinctly Swiss approach committed to preserving, growing, and transmiting its clients’ wealth.
Vladimir Poutine a hérité d’une Russie délabrée, endettée et acculée à ses frontières.
TBY talks to Arnaud Leclercq, Head of Middle East, Eastern Europe & Central Asia at Lombard Odier, on the significance of the UAE, core bus
Lombard Odier has survived over 40 financial crises and lived to tell the tale.
Private Banking Conference: Middle East brings together private banks, family offices, independent wealth managers and intermediaries to share best practice...
In an interview with Al Arabiya, Mr Arnaud Leclercq, Limited Partner at Lombard Odier said that there will be several important topics that will need to be discussed at the G20...
Composante identitaire et élément d'influence culturelle mais aussi géopolitique, la langue russe constitue le socle fondateur de l'ethnogénèse du peuple russe et, au-delà, le ciment qui a permis de rassembler au sein de l'empire des tsars, puis de l'espace soviétique, des peuples d'origines dive
Геополитическая история от становления государства до времен Путина
Histoire géopolitique des origines à Poutine
All the information presented on these pages is open public access, especially on the Internet, and can therefore be read easily and independently of this site. They were only brought together to give coherence to a personal journey. This dedicated site contains only public information and has not been the subject of a prior agreement of past or current employers, who cannot be held responsible for any personal opinions expressed by Arnaud Leclercq.
Arnaud Leclercq is a banker with an atypical background, a PhD in geopolitics and a professor at HEC in Paris. An MBA from HEC and a graduate of Harvard, he is a recognized executive in the world of wealth management, particularly with emerging markets. His book «La Russie puissance d’Eurasie. Histoire géopolitique des origines à Poutine», published in France (2013) and Russia (2015), is now a reference. His analyses are regularly shared by the media.