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Arnaud Leclercq - Lombard Odier is a global financial hub. Abu Dhabi is an attractive geopolitical force

Lombard Odier is a global financial hub. Abu Dhabi is an attractive geopolitical force

Arnaud Leclerc said that the UAE has become an important financial and economic hub, not only regionally but internationally, as it forms a link between East and West, pointing to its relationship with India, Africa, and all countries of the world.

Al Khaleej (UAE Markets/Economy)
Arnaud Leclercq - Sustainability 2021: a vital shift in the Middle East

Sustainability 2021: a vital shift in the Middle East

With the pandemic forcing investors to reassess their priorities, Lombard Odier’s Arnaud Leclercq and Christopher Kaminker explore how sustaina

Arabian Business, UAE
Arnaud Leclercq - Guiding clients through a pandemic

Guiding clients through a pandemic

While 2020 hasn't been the year many envisaged, the coronavirus pandemic has provided an opportunity to connect closer with clients, says Lomba

Arabian Business, UAE
Arnaud Leclercq - Lombard Odier banker: Financial situation in Russia ‘under control’

Lombard Odier banker: Financial situation in Russia ‘under control’

Lombard Odier, a Swiss private bank with a presence in Russia, does not see the latter’s economic troubles as a major crisis and believes...

EmergingMarkets, Russia
Arnaud Leclercq - Us could compete with Russia for european, asian oil markets (Sputinik)

Us could compete with Russia for european, asian oil markets

The United States could compete with Russia for European and Asian oil markets, if the US oil export ban is lifted, French geopolitician and financier Arnaud Leclercq told Sputnik in an interview.

Arnaud Leclercq - Yemen Crisis: Tribes, Not Countries Are at War

Yemen Crisis: Tribes, Not Countries Are at War

The reality is tribal. There is a Shiite axis that is emerging.

Valdai Club, Russia
Arnaud Leclercq - Crise du rouble: situation financière de la Russie face à une Europe bardée de sanctions anti-russes

Crise du rouble: entretien

La Voix de la Russie pour Arnaud Leclercq: Quelle est votre analyse de la situation financière de la Russie face à une Europe bardée de sanctions anti-russes ? (Entretien radiophonique réalisé pour La Voix de la Russie)

La Voix de la Russie


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Qui est Arnaud Leclercq?

Arnaud Leclercq

Citoyen suisse, Arnaud Leclercq est un banquier au parcours atypique, docteur en géopolitique et professeur HEC à Paris. Titulaire d’un MBA de HEC et diplômé de Harvard, il est cadre dirigeant reconnu dans le monde de la gestion de fortune, plus particulièrement avec les marchés émergents. Son livre «La Russie puissance d’Eurasie. Histoire géopolitique des origines à Poutine», publié en France (2013) et en Russie (2015), est désormais une référence. Ses analyses sont régulièrement partagées par les médias.