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Arnaud Leclercq - Russia: the roadmap of changes (Voice of Russia)

Russia: the roadmap of changes

Interview with Arnaud Leclercq* for "The Voice of Russia"  (La Voix de la Russie) in the context of the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum of 15 February 2013.

The forum's motto for its business part is 'Russia: the roadmap of changes'. The forum's participants will discuss a range of economic and social issues related to Russia's development.

Siberian Federal University will host the events for the forum's youth site 'Generation-2020' on 14 February 2013. It will involve Russian and international participants.

The key note session will be about the trends in Russia's economic and social development between now and 2018. The session will be attended by Dmitry Medvedev, the RF Prime Minister.

Further discussion will move on to Siberia. Its title is 'Siberia and the Map of Global Growth: regional development in the context of global change'. Experts, researchers and the representatives of large businesses will consider the role of the rich and large region on a global stage. They will discuss the development of labour capital in Siberia and how it affects the economic growth of Asia-Pacific.

BRICS countries (Brasil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) representatives will exchange their experience of meeting the challenges of regional development.

Later, the discussion will move on to the results and prospects of the 'National Entrepreneurial Initiative' project, the priorities of Russian policy in industrial production between now and 2018, the strategy of launching the 'innovation lift' and governmental support of innovation clusters.


The Voice of Russia


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Qui est Arnaud Leclercq?

Arnaud Leclercq

Citoyen suisse, Arnaud Leclercq est un banquier au parcours atypique, docteur en géopolitique et professeur HEC à Paris. Titulaire d’un MBA de HEC et diplômé de Harvard, il est cadre dirigeant reconnu dans le monde de la gestion de fortune, plus particulièrement avec les marchés émergents. Son livre «La Russie puissance d’Eurasie. Histoire géopolitique des origines à Poutine», publié en France (2013) et en Russie (2015), est désormais une référence. Ses analyses sont régulièrement partagées par les médias.