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Arnaud Leclercq - The Role of Women to Preserve and Transmit Wealth (DBWC, DCCI)

The Role of Women to Preserve and Transmit Wealth

Dubai Business Women Council (DBWC) and Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) organized yesterday (Sunday), a lecture under the title 'The Role of Women to Preserve and Transmit Wealth.' It was presented by Mr. Arnaud Leclercq, Executive Vice President and Partner, Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch & Cie (LODH),Swiss private bankers.

Dubai, June 7th, 2010 -- Emirati female investors play an important role in preserving their individual wealth as well as their family's, on account of their natural conserving instints, their sense of responsibility and the precise management and investment decision-making they enjoy, said Mrs. Raja Easa Al-Gurg, DBWC President.

She was speaking on the occasion of a lecture on The Role of Women to Preserve and Transmit Wealth, jointly organised by Dubai Business Women Council (DBWC) and Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI). It was presented by Arnaud Leclercq, Executive Vice President and Partner, Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch '&' Cie (LODH), Swiss private bankers.

Mrs. Raja Easa Al-Gurg, DBWC President, welcomed the attendees and thanked them for their interest in participating in the lecture which, she said, highlighted an important issue that revolved around a topic which was of relevance to too many women and businesswomen, especially in light of global financial crisis, which has affected many investments and sectors. Al-Gurg stated that organizing the lecture by the DBWC was mandated by the Council's interest in updating businesswomen and women in general on the best ways in managing and preserving wealth.

This is done by utilizing the services of specialists who have long and extensive experience in this area, and have conducted many studies and intensive research that help female investors to choose best investment channels that would bring them attractive returns for investment, while keeping in mind prevailing global conditions. She called businesswomen to take advantage of available opportunities and to invest in promising areas that attract channels for investment in high volumes, especially during a period when the world is witnessing an end of recession and is beginning to show signs of economic growth, accompanied by growing expectations of a complete recovery in the coming years.

This calls for speedy and accurate investment decision-making to achieve the best results.Arnaud Leclercq shed light on the positive role of women in preserving the wealth and their sagacity in choosing the appropriate areas they want to invest in, being guided by their experience, instincts and their passion for investing in fields that attract them. This assures excellent and safe future prospects, he said.


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Qui est Arnaud Leclercq?

Arnaud Leclercq

Citoyen suisse, Arnaud Leclercq est un banquier au parcours atypique, docteur en géopolitique et professeur HEC à Paris. Titulaire d’un MBA de HEC et diplômé de Harvard, il est cadre dirigeant reconnu dans le monde de la gestion de fortune, plus particulièrement avec les marchés émergents. Son livre «La Russie puissance d’Eurasie. Histoire géopolitique des origines à Poutine», publié en France (2013) et en Russie (2015), est désormais une référence. Ses analyses sont régulièrement partagées par les médias.