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Arnaud Leclercq - Centuries in the making

Centuries in the making

At Lombard Odier, we are seeing unprecedented interest from international investors and young entrepreneurs relocating to Dubai permanently due to the stability, lifestyle and economic diversification it offers... Interview with Arnaud LECLERCQ, Partner Holding Privé and Chairman Lombard Odier Middle East and Amer Malik, Head of Middle East International

CEO Middle East (UAE)
أرنود لوكليرك - دبي لاعب أساسي عالمياً.. وقدراتها تجذب المستثمرين والأثرياء،

دبي لاعب أساسي عالمياً.. وقدراتها تجذب المستثمرين والأثرياء

أكد أرنود لوكليرك، مدير عام بنك لومبارد أودييه؛ المجموعة السويسرية العالمية لإدارة الثروة والأصول، أن مقومات وقدرات دبي عززت جاذبيتها لرواد الأعمال والأثرياء، وجعلت منها لاعباً أساسياً في الساحة العالمية، وهذا تحوّل نموذجي لافت، لا يؤثر في المنطقة فحسب، إنما في العالم أيضاً.

(UAE) البيان
Arnaud Leclercq - Dubai is a key player globally…And its capabilities attract investors and wealthy individuals

Dubai is a key player globally…And its capabilities attract investors and wealthy individuals

Arnaud Leclercq, Group Managing Director of Lombard Odier Bank, emphasized that Dubai's assets have made it a key player on the global stage and thus more attractive to entrepreneurs and wealthy individuals, a remarkable paradigm shift that affects not only the region, but the world as well.

Al Bayan (UAE)
Arnaud Leclercq - Lombard Odier: UAE should bolster its status as a local custodian for private wealth

Lombard Odier: UAE should bolster its status as a local custodian for private wealth

The UAE must ensure that more wealth management activity takes place there in the years to come, says the bank’s Arnaud Leclercq.

CityWire Middle East (UK)
Arnaud Leclercq -

Onshoring wealth management in the Gulf

The FSC is the leading event of its kind in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. World class business and banking leaders and a row of strategic sector ministers were not only present but actively participated in the sessions. Arnaud Leclercq participated in a discussion on the critically important topic of onshoring wealth management in the Gulf.

Financial Sector Conference (FSC), Saudi Arabia


All the information presented on these pages is open public access, especially on the Internet, and can therefore be read easily and independently of this site. They were only brought together to give coherence to a personal journey. This dedicated site contains only public information and has not been the subject of a prior agreement of past or current employers, who cannot be held responsible for any personal opinions expressed by Arnaud Leclercq.

Qui est Arnaud Leclercq?

Arnaud Leclercq

Arnaud Leclercq is a banker with an atypical background, a PhD in geopolitics and a professor at HEC in Paris. An MBA from HEC and a graduate of Harvard, he is a recognized executive in the world of wealth management, particularly with emerging markets. His book «La Russie puissance d’Eurasie. Histoire géopolitique des origines à Poutine», published in France (2013) and Russia (2015), is now a reference. His analyses are regularly shared by the media.